
“You have to deal with the shadows for the light to be brighter”

— Sinéad (the artist)

Hi there!

My name is Sinéad and I am a 33 year old female artist!
I am a Mammy to an amazing little 1 year old!
I am a proud member of LGBTQ+!
I work out of my home in Co. Wicklow, Ireland!

I got into only got into art in my 20’s; a small bit when I was in college but mostly after college….

In my 4th year of college things just got to much for me and I had decided I would take my own life; one day before leaving my parents home to go back to college I just broke down and fell apart in front of my mother. She didn’t know what to do, she called the doctor who sent me to hospital; I had suffered a mental breakdown and was then admitted into hospital.
In the hospital they had an art room, I would sit alone and doodle or just put paint on paper. I wasn’t making anything in particular but I loved the process. Then I started getting ideas on what to draw and when I started to try and bring these ideas to life, I would realize that hours had passed; anxiety free hours; depression free hours. ‘‘What is this? This is like magic! I can sit and do something and the whole world just disappears! AMAZING!!!’’

(You’re probably wondering; ‘‘Why is she talking about her mental health?’’ I am very open about my mental health because I think there is still such a taboo around discussing mental health and I think if more and more people talk about it and get conversations flowing then more people who are suffering will find it easier to say how they feel and ask for help. I want people to know it’s ok not to be ok. I want people who suffer with depression and anxiety to know IT DOES GET BETTER! I am literally evidence that it does. I could have taken my own life but I didn’t and I am so happy and so thankful everyday that I didn’t. I implore anyone out there who is suffering to please tell someone, ask for help, you can get better, you will feel better. I know what its like to feel like there’s no other way out but there is I promise you there is! Please do not give up. Its always darkest before the dawn.
*Here are some numbers for anyone who needs:
~ If you’re feeling anxious, overwhelmed or sad - text with a trained volunteer 24/7 by texting HELLO to 50808. or Email:
~ Whatever you're going through, a Samaritan will face it with you. We're here 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Call us for free on 116 123. or Email

So I would spend hours and hours drawing, sewing, painting, sticking, just making!! After about a year or two of doing this i realized ….. THIS is what I want to do with my life, I want THIS to be my job!
But my anxiety was holding me back, I had created paintings and jewellery and more and they would just sit in my wardrobe shut away. ‘‘I cant sell these. I cant do this.’’

One weekend visiting my incredible Nana she wanted to see some of the things I make so I showed her pictures on my phone. She loved them! She asked me ‘‘Why are you not selling these? You should sell them!’’ I said ‘‘Ya, maybe’’ and she told me ‘‘No you should sell them. Sell them. Don’t hold yourself back. You can do anything you want, you just need to believe it.’’ So after my Nana passed away i thought ‘‘Right I’m going to do what my Nana said, I’m going to actually sell my stuff’’

A while later I popped into a small local gallery to check out the art, and got chatting the the lady working there, she told me of how she runs joint exhibits and anyone could admit there pieces if they wanted so after very much back and forth between my self and my anxiety I decided ‘‘LETS DO THIS!’’; so I admitted my pieces!! I didn’t sell anything but I got out there and did it and that was the main thing!

From this I learned of the local craft fair, where you have a little table and can sell your pieces; this was super difficult as it was hours sitting at a table and people coming up but I pushed myself and I actually did a few. Then I thought I would set up an Instagram and Facebook page but again my anxiety was through the roof ‘‘Oh dear I’m sharing my stuff with the world now AHHHH!!!’’; so I thought I’d used a name (even though its all just me!!) ‘‘I can hide behind that a little. The spotlight isn’t really on me then.’’ and so
Bumblebee Bizarre
was born!!!!

So that’s a little about me! I’m self taught and I’m still learning as I go!! Honestly I’m still very much new to all this but I’m trying and sure ain’t that the main thing!!! I hope you enjoyed this little read and I hope you have a most beeeeutiful day or night or eve wherever and whoever you are!!!

*Here are some numbers for anyone who needs:
~ If you’re feeling anxious, overwhelmed or sad - text with a trained volunteer 24/7 by texting HELLO to 50808. or Email:
~ Whatever you're going through, a Samaritan will face it with you. We're here 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Call us for free on 116 123. or Email

Thank you for reading and have a Beeutiful Day!!